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Tropical Leaves



Private first appointment ............ $105.00

Private follow up appointment ............ $95.00

ACC first appointment ............ $60.00

ACC follow up appointment ............ $55.00

Note: Acupuncturists cannot register your ACC injury/claim.

Please see your Physio or GP to do this first. 

Treating with Acupuncture


When coming for an appointment at Forest Acupuncture expect a pleasant relaxing experience. We’ll tailor the treatment specifically to your needs using a variety Chinese Medicine methods. Depending on how you feel about needles we can use only a few or avoid them altogether, using other techniques.

Any queries about treatments, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Acupuncture Close Up


Acupuncture improves the body’s functions and promotes the natural self-healing process by stimulating specific anatomic sites-commonly referred to as acupuncture points, or acupoints. Acupuncture treats a wide variety of problems.



This technique involves the burning of leaves of Mugwort, either in cones or charcoal sticks. These are held over the body bringing a pleasant warm sensation. Very effective for digestive issues.

Traditional Chinese Medicine


Herbal medicine is ancient internal medicine. Herbs include leaves, bark, seeds, roots, flowers and more. All of which can effectively treat the body.

Cupping Therapy


Cups are placed on the body and suction is created by vaccum or fire. It causes increased blood flow in the area cupped and it may be used to treat soft tissue and chronic diseases.

Image by Cherrydeck

Gua Sha

Gua Sha is a tool often made of stone used to scrape the body to improve circulation in different areas to promote healing. Uses range from tension release to beauty.

Feel the Pulse

Diet & Lifestyle Advice

We only have an hour in the clinic. Therefore diet and lifestyle recommendations are a key part of our treatments. These will go beyond Chinese Medicine and include other modalities.

Tropical Leaves
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